Monday 5 November 2012

Jack Lang, Hunter of the Dark

Today, I discovered a hero.
Whatever we thought of his actions as premier of New South Wales, it was all a facade.

Jack Lang was a hunter of evil. A killer of the denizons of the dark.

More seriously, this was a fun little thing to make. I saw a picture of him in a textbook in the perfect pose, how could I not?
Blending photos together is getting easier and easier, even without filters.

Looking again, the book seems a bit out of place, actually.

Hunter of the Dark,
Givvers van Hellsing.

Jack Lang. Unsung Hero.

Zitless Leprechauns!

First I removed any zits on my holy visage.

Then I got kind of stuck on a leprechaun theme. I threw it through a bunch of filters to make it blend. And no, I have nothing for or against leprechauns.

There were some filters that managed to make the leprechaun look like some kind of dramatic vampire hunter guy. Guess what I'm making next?

Givvers McGivney

Zitless, Sexy and Always Angry. And totally not racist to Irish.

Didn't quite work for blending. Still nice though.

Crazy Pirate Guy
President Givvers McGivney. The Future.